Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Text Art

Sometimes the best work is a simple phrase. I remember when I went to school at stony brook, there was a wall with the phrase "Brother, can you spare some social change?" It was simple but not easily forgotten. As far as these pieces, Only one of them is particularly moving. "How Subversive Love is" is not only moving, but an amazing thing to find where I found it. It is in a place that belongs without question to the gangs. I believe that it is the work of Reader, as he has other work there. Similarly, I also believe spring break to be by reader, but I will tag it separately. Either way it is brilliant. I have found similarities in the text used. Note especially the E in Break and E in subversive. From some of reader's other work, it is clear that he has a background in text and fonts. As far as the Department of Defense thing, there is someone who has been putting up all sorts of strange messages like that. I will tag them as Department of Defense.

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